Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Who is buying your products or using your services, how can you properly market to them?

 Do you know who your target market is?

Have you done your research?

If your not sure who is your target market, then follow these easy steps to find out, so you stop wasting time marketing to the wrong audience.



  1. Ask questions : To find out your ideal customer, just ask a group of people, " would you  use this product/or service, is this valuable to you?" Is it valuable to them? if not, ask them "why?"
  2. Find out why they need your product/or service? does it satisfy a need or desire? does it make their lives easier? does it solve a problem in their lives? Do the need it?
  3. Emotional hot button: once you find out why they need your service, ask yourself " what is their emotional hot button?" how can I be creative, to push this button.?"
  4. Who is your ideal audience: once you find out who your ideal customer is and their needs, then narrow down your list, to who are they? females, males, unisex, children, grandparents, professionals, singles, married with kids, married without kids and the list is long. Do you homework.
  5. Target the right market: Once you find out the ideal target market, find ways to reach these people, so you don't waste time, trying to convince the wrong prospect that they need your service. Find avenues to reach these people.
  6. Keep busy & creative Don't expect results from just one marketing campaign, and give up. Usually if you do flyers, its the third time that a ideal customer will buy from you. Send out flyers, vouchers constantly to the same audience, but change the call to action, so its not the same, keep them interested. Make it valuable for them to purchase from you/or use your service.
Contact us now on 0438 866 567 to advertise in our goody bags to drive the ideal market to your business, and we will discuss which campaigns will benefit your business.

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Contact us on :0438 866 567

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